1st extinction event: Leaked CERN documents state LHC has 70% chances to produce ‘ice-9′ strangelets on 11/9linkPublished: September 11, 2010 Abstract. We have received and will show in this article astonishing documents leaked out of CERN internal servers, about the CASTOR project, a Centauro and STrangelet Object Research to hunt for strangelets ‘likely‘ to be produced at the LHC. According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years to the press and in the suits, since it always affirmed that it won’t produce the ultra-dangerous, ultradense ‘strangelets’, the liquid explosive made of up, down and strange quarks, responsible of the ice-9 reactions that cause supernovas (below’s graph). In those documents CERN affirms there is a 65-70% of chances of producing negative strangelets, which according to standard science on strangelets today, will provoke the ice-9 reaction (name taken from Cat and Cradle’s book in which a physicist destroys the world throwing a new type of water that freezes the planet, since an ice-9 reaction will condensate the planet in a 15 kilometers ultra-dense strange star). Thus CERN has been lying and it is playing with all mankind a Quantum Russian Roulette game with 4 shots out of 6, 66% chances of extinction. This will be even if we survive the biggest genocide of history, calculated multiplying probability and victims: 66% x 6.6 billions=4.4 billions, 1000 times the Holocaust. The experiment will start in 45 days now. We might be living the last month of our existence as individuals and as a species. This Fall can be indeed the Fall of Man. And yet, the experiment is not stopped. This machine is too big to fail. Ave Caesar Hauer, morituri te salutant… (Keep reading for a full disclosure of those documents, most of them provided by Mr. Penrose, a British physicist and mathematician, who has been trying to alert the European Press and Ministers of Science, with little success, and explains them in a more technical jargon in his site dedicated to raise awareness of this potential global genocide. Alternatively if you prefer a simpler, visual description of this event, click on the 10 min. films ’11/9′ on your right: ‘Informative film’ is an illustrated interview in ‘coast to coast’ Radio to Walter Wagner, my co-plaintiff on the Federal Suit against CERN; ‘surrealist film’ is a documentary, ‘Dr. Strangelove’ style, on the events that will take place the 11/9, shot at CERN, with historic material and strangelet physics explained by Dr. Wilczek, the Nobel Prize who discovered and named the ice-9 reaction. I hold copyrights and permissions on those images, given to me by CERN’s press office before suing them; yet the film is censored in several countries of Europe, notably Germany, the main contributor of this machine, so you might not be able to see it. Both Wagner and Wilczek were the first scientists to warn about the future dangers of Super-colliders in their landmark letters to Scientific American in 1999). In the graph, for the first time in History mankind has built a machine-weapon, able to destroy this planet. The LHC is an accelerator, a type of machine evolved during the cold war to rehearse small nuclear explosions, which could be used by the military as a sample of future Nuclear Bombs, and by researchers to explore the simplest forms of energy and particles that compose the Universe. After the cold war ended, Russia and America put an end to the astronomical costs of those machine-weapons, but Europe, with the new ‘marketing’ of ‘peaceful use’ (similar to our ‘peace forces’ in ‘humanitarian missions’ in Afghanistan) took the industry of accelerators a step further. The result is the Large Hadron Collider, a 7 teravolt, superconductive, superfluid ‘quark cannon’. which will mass together the densest, most attractive substance of the Universe, quarks, to explore the formation of quark-gluon liquids, the explosives, responsible of cosmic annihilations, such as Novas, Super-novas and perhaps the hypothetical big-bang of the Universe. The irresponsibility of CERN’s physicists who plan to do those experiments with quark liquid explosives here on Earth, without even the slightest military or political supervision, has been denounced in Courts and Internet blogs, to not avail, since the LHC is a machine ‘too big to fail’, defended by technocrats, nuclear industries/ physicists and the corporate press, with the same zeal they defended nuclear weapons during the cold war, when that name was still ‘politically correct’. Now we have proofs that the European Company of Nuclear Research has been lying to the public about the probabilities of those catastrophic scenarios. In those internal documents CERN affirms that the LHC has enough potency to create strangelets, a strange liquid explosive that is responsible of the ice-9 reaction that converts stars into Super-novas. The Company has even a machine, CASTOR, for Centauro and STrangelet detecTOR, built to study them. Since the ‘Castor Team’ affirms the LHC will ‘likely’ create stable strangelets this 11/9. In the graph, we observe the entire range of LHC’s potency and the type of quark explosives this ‘quark cannon’, the layman name this machine should have, will produce. Strangelets are made of usd quarks, deconfined in lead to lead collisions starting 11/9/2010… The NewsIt is now official. What we feared for years… the real thing, explained ‘ad nauseam’ on this web is now on schedule. 11/9, CERN will start production of strangelets… We have obtained an astounding self-confession, a ‘leak’ encrypted in the tons of documents CERN produces only for ‘physicists’ experts: ‘Prof. A. Panagiotou and students are investigating phenomena in the very forward region. In particular, the existence and identification of exotic states of matter, such as “Centauro” and “Strangelets” , the later being a bulk of quark matter of about equal number of u, d and s quarks, believed to be produced in ultra-relativistic HI collisions. This search was one of the original motivations for the design of CASTOR.’ And then a video transcript from one of his students: My name is Panos Katsas. I work as an experimental physicist for the CASTOR forward calorimeter of CMS and my main area of interest is the study of exotic events in heavy ion collisions, especially the identification of strangelets, which are likely to be produced.’ (bottom left on the link, with a self-similar ipod discourse, censored in its last 3 minutes substituted by a fixed picture, since we first post this cynical discovery on the web). The Large Hadron collider will start collisions of Hadrons, the 11/9. That day CERN will shoot for the first time Lead bullets at the speed of light against mother Earth in this superconductive, superfluid cannon. According to the most advanced theoretical research on the subject, they can create strangelets that would sink the Earth into a rock of a few kilometers of diameter. Strange liquid is the quark-gluon soup that causes the big-bangs of Novas, Super-Novas and maybe even long ago caused the big-bang of the cosmic Universe. And their ‘strangelet’ CASTOR device will count them. Why strangelets are so dangerous? Simple. A strangelet is a mass of quarks, which works with 3 attractive forces far superior to those of any atom: - The strong force of its massive number of quarks (100 times stronger than the weak electromagnetic force) - The gravitational forces of those massive number of quarks (far stronger than any atom, since 99% of the mass of atomic particles are in the quarks) - The charge of the quarks lumped in the strangelet (far stronger than any ion, due to the enormous numbers of quarks lumped in the strangelet) The 3 forces together will attract atoms, positive ions if the strangelet is negative; electronic covers is the strangelet is positive; normal atoms with the gravitational force if the strangelet is neutral; atomic nuclei with the strong force in the quark-gluon soup made by the LHC. And so they will start either an explosive ice-9 reaction (fast process that triggers a super-nova) or in the case they are forming with a small mass of quarks, falling towards the center of the Earth, a distillation of new strangelets, as new atoms peg to the original strangelet attracted by those 3 super-forces. Both reactions will end up consuming all the matter of Earth. Because Physicists at CERN know those risks – his spokesman Mr. Brian Cox, even explained them in the BBC, affirming all the matter of Earth would convert into one - they have always said adamantly the LHC won’t produce them, and CERN has denied in all suits and press releases any chance of producing strangelets. Yet it is a fact that it has designed a machine, a detector of strangelets, CASTOR and installed it to detect them. Further on the ‘CASTOR TEAM’ has given conferences in which they affirm they will produce them in events which are not found in cosmic rays. Never mind this was for years CERN’s ever-repeated safety argument: all what we do is what cosmic rays do in the atmosphere. Not so, however when CERN physicists talk among themselves. The previous confession of Mr. Katsas, a young student working at CERN, who broke the ‘confidentiality statements’ of zero risks that all workers in the company must sign (as reported by Engelens, Chief engineer in the New Yorker ) and is now no longer working on the facilities, shows the duplicity of CERN, which provides in other page a course on how to deal with the press: ‘minimizing threats and maximizing opportunities’. Thus, according to CERN inner reports the first ‘extinction event’ might happen in November. Since the probability given by CERN to the creation of strangelets is closer to the probability we have given in all our suits for extinction, 65%, as it can be seen in the conference given by Mr. Katsas: ‘Strangelet hunt at CMS’: Indeed, CERN says that the probabilities of extinction are small, one in a million and things like that. This is rubbish. We must understand to which degree CERN is lying when we understand the meaning of probabilities in quantum theory: quantum probabilities are not referred to the existence or not of an event, which either exists if the laws of science allow it (Totalitarian principle of physics: all what is not forbidden by the laws of science will happen) or do not exist if those laws are wrong. Quantum probabilities merely are a tool to know where a certain electron exists in a certain place, due to the uncertainty of its position – but there is not uncertainty in its existence in time, the electron does exist. Thus, probabilities apply to the task of finding the location of the electron in space, not to define if the electron exists or not. For the same reason, if the laws of strangelets preclude that strangelets will be formed, they will be formed. So there is 100% of chances that those strangelets will be formed and grow. If we lower those chances is because we give certain ‘hope’ or chance for those laws to be wrong at our present knowledge. So does CERN which uses the expression ‘likely’ and a 65-70% chances, as theory today seems to confirm they will happen. But in science it is also needed the experimental fact to give 100% of probabilities. However the reader must understand that the scientific method and the sound mathematics and theories behind the formation of strangelets have been proved ad nauseam. All our civilization is based in those laws. So the ‘likely’ will probably become certainty. What is absurd is to invent probabilities, out of the hat, as Mr. Arkani-Hamed did, affirming in the NYTimes that there is also ‘a minuscule probability that the LHC make dragons that might eat us up‘ or an ‘Oxford expert’ who said it is ‘easier to win the lottery 3 times in a row‘, or a European physicist, who said ‘it is easier than a wind brings an elephant from Africa’. Those people show a complete disrespect for science, ethics and the intelligence of the readers. So when a liar at CERN or an enthusiast groupie physicist’s blog tells you that there is 1 probability in a million, he is inventing them. It is like saying every time you switch on a light, it might work or not. According to Maxwell it will always work as long as the cable is working. The same with CERN’s experiments. That is why they are so frightening, because according to Einstein and our theory of strangelets they will exist and swallow it all. If you want to throw some detailed numbers, what will happen becomes more evident: according to the Chinese Institute of Higher Energy Physics, the strangelet will grow till it acquires the size of the Compton wave of the Electron, which is 2.42×10 up to −12 meters, a bit smaller than the Hydrogen atom (Bohr radius). This is more than 3 magnitudes bigger than the Proton radius which packs those quarks: The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is indeed a proton with 3 quarks, whose size is in the range of 1.75 fm (1.75×10− 15 m). On the other hand the volume of a sphere is 4/3 π r3 where r is a radius. Thus the volume is a bit less than 3 magnitudes bigger than the radius. So to calculate the number of quarks in the strangelet ‘atom’, we have to consider that the strangelet will have to pack triads of quarks, with the same density they are packed in the nucleus, but in a space + 3 magnitudes bigger in radius and – 3 magnitudes bigger in volume. Thus if we ad the minus 3 magnitudes of volume and the plus 3 magnitudes of radius and multiply them for the 3 quarks inside each nucleus that simple calculus shows that each stable strangelet will pack around 3 x 10 up to 6 quarks in a space equivalent to a Compton Electron wave… Thus each strangelet has around 3 million quarks packed in a size smaller than a hydrogen atom. Since the strong force is 100 times stronger than our electroweak force, you have a particle with around 100 million times more strong forces than the Hydrogen atom. Also the strangelet’s gravitational force will be awesome, falling to the center of the Earth in no time. It will be then a particle seating in the center of the Earth, which will become a mass-well of attractive gravitational and strong forces in which the Earth matter will fall. It is easy then to find out the final product. Since the strangelet will shrink the radius of the Earth in the aforementioned 10 up to 3 order of magnitude. Since the diameter of the Earth is 12.756 kilometers, it means the Earth will become a rock of 13 kilometers of diameter (with an oblong form due to the liquid nature of strangelets and its enormous rotational forces that will flatten the ‘strangelet, ice-9 star’ across the rotational plane): ![]() In the graph, the 2 most probable scenarios of extinction: if black holes are as Einstein predicted, ‘frozen stars’ of an ultradense ‘cut-off matter’, they will be made of the densest form of matter, top quarks. And they won’t evaporate. Since the LHC is trying to make the Higgs, which is defined as a top/antitop quark field, it will do them in 2013 when it ramps up its power. On the other hand it will do strangelets this November. Essentially both types of dark matter, which show at macroscopic level (black holes and strange stars) self-similar properties, will merely differ in size and density, and hence the strength at which they will devour the Earth. The final result will be a black hole of around 3 centimeters, slightly bigger than a dollar coin, or an ’almond’ rock of strange liquid of the diameter of the Earth lowered by 3 magnitudes, of around 15 x 6 kilometers.) While the black hole scenario is still argued theoretically -as some like Hawking treat black holes as mathematical objects, while others consider them made of strings, which would be the parts of those top quarks – the strangelet scenario should happen according to the Totalitarian principle of physics: ’Everything not forbidden is compulsory’. Since there is no doubt about the existence of strange quarks and strange liquid. In that regard, one of the biggest delusions of CERN and the nuclear physicists interviewed by the media is indeed to talk about ‘probabilities’ which in quantum physics refer to the location in space of a particle, which is uncertain, not to the creation of a particle in time, which is defined by the Totalitarian principle: If a theory is right, it happens. Point. The uncertainty will be about the place within nanometers of the formation of the strangelet, NOT of the causal chain of reactions that will determine its creation if present Strangelet theory is truth. We shall therefore – once it is clear CERN will produce stable strangelets and strangelets will swallow our planet – provide in this post a more detailed analysis of those 2 causal events:- First we will include the leaked documents that show CERN will produce them. And then… - The real scenarios of what will happen when those strangelets form. Since this schizoid company of multiple personalities won’t come out of the closet till it is too late. A decalogue of Leaks: the duplicity of CERN. The duplicity of CERN is constant when referring to strangelets whose production and dangers denies in public and in its Safety ‘LSAG’ report (bottom of that page) but it affirms in its internal documents. Let us consider a Decalogue of lies, at a more technical level, ‘illustrated’ by ‘Team Castor’ on its powerpoint presentations: 0) The Company which always affirmed that all the phenomena that will happen at CERN has happened in cosmic rays that are harmless has the chuptzah to affirm in his first report on CASTOR, expressly that the LHC has been constructed to study events at high energy that will never occur in Cosmic Rays. So we were indeed, mild in our assurance that CERN was committing ‘criminal neglicence’ since this is plainly speaking in legal terms a case of ‘recklessness’: 1) The company has been testing its machine, the Large Hadron Collider, at low energies with protons and now it has scheduled the first real experiment with hadrons the 11/9. That day it will collide lead and deconfine millions of quarks to replicate the conditions of the big-bang producing massive amounts of quark-gluon liquids of which strange liquid (Ab. Strangelet) is the easiest to make, with the lightest u, s and d quarks as Mr. Katsas explains in his CERN’s web page. Yet the company never explains that quark-gluon liquids, are not only responsible for the original cosmic big-bang but also for the big-bangs of stars into Supernovas, whose remnant, a pulsar, is a star with a surface of degenerated neutrons and a core of strange liquid. 2) Information on CASTOR, the detector of strangelets, is only available to physicists within CERN’s site. Yet the existence of such CASTOR project does not come in google searches. Instead the company has another project also called CASTOR, which is the only one available in google searches and turns out to be ‘the CERN Advanced STORage manager’ Similar searches in google or CERN site search results do not yield links to the CASTOR detector site (IE ‘centauro+strange or strangelet+castor’) only to the CASTOR storage site. 3) In a recent professional book of 332 pages dedicated to the Atlas Experiment that hosts CASTOR, ‘The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC’, in chapter 6, it has only 3 pages on it and with no mention of strangelets. This duplicity is evident in the constant denial in public of the probability to make strangelets and the dangers of this production vs. the inner information provided in the non-advertised pages about CASTOR that we have digged out of CERN’s server. In that regard CERN published a LSAG (Safety Report), which denies both the creation and danger of strangelets, against all published literature and against the affirmations made in their web The following have most relevant information: 4) According to the CASTOR reports the probability given of Pb-Pb collisions creating such strangelets is of 1/1000th creating a total of 500 strangelets every month at full luminosity; (talk from CMS Week: presentation – 3rd slide from last found in that report). This contradicts LSAG assertion that probability for a strangelet emerging from LHC would be ‘negligible’: In the graph, ‘Team Castor’ has built a Calorimeter to detect the production of strangelets at CERN. The probability for each event, according to inner documents, like this powerpoint presentation, implies that CERN will produce 500 strangelets each month starting the 11/9 of this year, when the first pb-pb collisions take place. Standard literature on strangelets explains what will happen next: strangelets will grow, absorbing quarks and transforming our matter into ultradense strange matter, till reaching the size of an atom (albeit with a huge density). Then 2 common processes of Nuclear reactions can take place: fission of the strangelet into smaller pieces that will grow again, starting a nuclear reaction called ‘ice-9′, or catalysis as the huge charge and mass of the strangelet attracts atoms that lump on the surface creating more strangelets. 5) According to the Castor pages, strangelet charge would be only negative or neutral, as it is generally agreed in professional literature and affirmed in the suits against CERN. This is relevant because neutral and negative strangelets will absorb the matter of the Earth much easily that positive strangelets.Yet the Safety Report made public, the LSAG affirms they will be positive: 6) According to the CASTOR site pages, strangelets will be stable for enough time to produce an explosive reaction, yet according to LSAG they will not: ‘Duration could be stable, or as long as 10^-4 seconds. They contradict the LSAG statement that strangelets would be unstable. 7) According to the CASTOR reports, a mechanism of strangelet production by ‘strangelet distillation’ could be possible, which is however dismissed in LSAG report: ![]() Yet the LSAG denied this obvious law, which now is contradicted in the CASTOR reports for internal consumption: ‘Strangelets will be produced above RHIC’s energy (200GeV nucl-nucl c,o.m) starting at 233 GeV nucl-nucl c.o.m. 9) According to CASTOR reports, strangelet could realistically be produced with atomic mass number as low as 18 – and CERN will produce thousands of strange quarks per second, so it certainly will produce them. This contradicts assertions of LSAG report of negligible creation on that range. (From CMS conference report, 5 april 2007) 10) According to the CASTOR report Strangelets are thought likely to have been detected from cosmic ray data of collisions in the 70′s. This contradicts LSAG assertion that no indications of Strangelets have been found. And so on. We are now 70 days before the experiments that will collide in the Large Hadron Collider lead at light speed to produce strangelets according to all those internal reports and CASTOR is prepared to observe them. This is known perfectly by CERN’s experts. One of them, Mr. Brian Cox, main spokesman for CERN had the chuptzah to explain in a BBC documentary how the Earth would be swallowed by strangelets if they were formed. (This is the guy who said during the smearing campaign against those of us who knew CERN could destroy the world, that we are all ‘turds’ and ‘twats’) So ad one, CASTOR revelations and two, Mr. Cox’s view on the behavior of strangelets and you get 0: nothing, niente, nada, our ‘likely’ annihilation the 11/9… according to CERN and all the theoretical knowledge we have about strangelets and ice-9 reactions… What we have not found in the server of CERN is any machine, system or provision to contain their exponential growth, in the so-called ice-9 reaction that starts the process of creation of a super-nova. On the contrary, all what CERN gives to ‘the public’ is the reassurance that strangelets will not be formed, according to that Safety, LSAG report, which the same company denies in its internal memorandums. Training the Press… But of course, CERN is not alone in this duplicity. As important as the role of CERN backed by the nuclear physicist community, is the role of corporate science and the corporate press who has acted as a P.R. to this corporation, in part because they don’t understand the physics involved and it is easier to call the press office and get a release as if it were an article on CERN, in part because we live in a world ruled by corporations that evolve machines, and make profit with them so technology must always be right, even if it kills us all. So the press censors any scientists who gives bad news on technology regardless of their personal merits and the truth they explain. In fact, even Einstein was prosecuted in the 50s for opposing the A-Bomb. But unlike the smart anti-live=eviL behavior of CERNerds, most journalists are as most humans good people, which would have reported this tragedy if they knew enough physics or realized this Organization is NOT a group of idealist researchers but the heirs of Teller, the nuclear physicists, who once the cold war was over and the production of Nuclear weapons plummeted found refuge at CERN, a place where to keep their search for higher energies and explosives. In a few words while editors in the corporate press, like those who advised judges against Federal Law at the Nytimes to throw the suit to the nearest black hole, are restrained by the Corporate ideology that all technologies are good, even those who can murder us, journalists were simply taken for a ride by the press office and marketing campaigns of CERN, which even gives courses on how to deal with the press, ‘maximising oportunities and minimising threats’: Indeed, Miss Jessica Pryce-Jones must be a genius, because her media training course has taken the entire world press for a ride. For 3 years the press has been pounding on us, the people who warned with suits, letters, books and films against this monstrosity. While the ‘trained press’ has published the ‘no threat, pass and see the circus of CERN: big opportunity to discover the Particle of God!’ PR releases of this Nuclear Company. And so now we are 70 days before the first experiment that might destroy the Earth… Till now it has all been tests with light protons, even though the company affirms those tests were real experiments…. But soon, the 11/9, a date mirror of 9/11, the biggest terrorist team ever assembled in History, the physicists at CERN will start production of the most dangerous substance of the Universe, the primordial quark gluon soup that exploded in a big-bang all the matter of a previous Universe. The choice of the date could not be more cynical. Do those people have any respect for the victims of terrorism, for the victims of mass murder nuclear weapons, for the millions who have died with arms invented by ‘physicists’? Of course not. Being an intelligent lot one can imagine the choice of date was not an irony of destiny, but perhaps it was. But nothing will be done to stop them. Because those are our home made terrorists, German Technocrats to the service of the SS (Strange Science) - One Rolf Hauer, who affirms with stone face that this astounding irresponsibility is a ‘great leap forward’ for mankind; one John Ellis, who organizes parties of the end of the world; one Stephen Hawking, who puts mankind to test and laughs at it in public, saying that if he is wrong and Einstein is right, we shall all become spaguetti. Unfortunately, the most advanced theoretical research on strangelets (the work of Peng & Chen from the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics) shows that strangelets, once formed, could start a chain reaction that would catalyze the conversion of the Earth into a 15 kilometer rock. The Fermi Paradox might have a solution… So that’s it. Alea jacta Est. The scenario is clear and will be undoable by Christmas 2010, though the time in which a tidal wave of 8 plus earthquakes will be followed by the shrinking of the Earth and the duration of the process is not known in detail. It might take a few minutes or up to a century. But there will not be rescue missions to the center of the planet where those strangelets will grow, feeding on Gaia. It is the Fermi Paradox, which Mr. Fermi of A-Bomb fame, cynically explained to their peers, when he bet that Trinity would only blow up New Mexico. Then he posed this question to the world: ‘why we do not hear any intelligent life on the cosmos? Are we, physicists, destroying all planets before we reach interstellar travel? Now, we could rephrase his question: Why we only hear the monotonic tam-tam of strangelet stars (pulsars) and black holes? Are all forms of ‘humanity’, in the self-similar fractal Universe, born to kill life and transform this planet into dark matter, which makes up to 75% of the Universal matter and its main candidates to be are MACHOS, quark stars, strangelets and black holes? Given the astounding irresponsibility of the Physicists’ community and the sheeple behavior of politicians and press who let ‘them do it’, this seems to be a logic, though terrifying answer to the Fermi paradox… The physics of strangelets: how they can devour the Earth. The moment of truth has arrived. CERN will attempt the first experiment that can extinguish Gaia (our Earth) on 11/9, 2010. This has never happened in history for years. It is indeed an event in a lifetime that we would prefer not to pass through. Consider the pdf. ‘lies and statistics‘ and ‘quark stars‘ to understand the enormous probability those experiments have of creating a quark star or strangelet. The chances of creation of strangelets in pb-pb collisions at 3.5 TEv are between 33% and 66%… between 11/9 and the end of a one year run, with continuous events at increasing luminosities (higher densities in the collisions, which increase the chances that one of them create the strangelet that would start the chain-reaction that swallows the Earth). These first experiments with lead are rushed in, with just a few months’ notice, taking advantage that lead ions have the same geometric emittance and magnetic rigidity than protons… reasons why this machine, which is basically a big magneto, taken cared of by 8000 electricians, playing to be God, works for lead. Since lead follows the same geometric, magnetic paths, the test experiments ran till now, with the excuse of finding an impossible, ‘toilet particle’ (name given to the Higgs by Nobel Prize Weinberg), have already calibrated the quark cannon. So the LHC doesn’t need major adjusts to collide now lead and produce strangelets. Indeed, this ‘eschatological company’, dedicated to research 1) ‘toilet particles’ and 2) the end of the world, will now move into phase 2, after failing to find the Higgs Hoax. Why we are so sure the risk is so enormous, more or less like tossing a coin to the air?: heads you are dead. Because true science exists for a reason, based in methods of veracity that CERN has ignored whenever they didn’t suit its agenda, but the Universe obeys or else reality as we know would crumble around us. When we switch on a light it always lights up unless there is an accident, not sometimes according to 1/millionth probability as CERN pretended it will happen (on public) with the chances that black holes and strangelets if formed will follow the known-known laws of science (Einstein’s relativity and standard strangelet theory). Now, we know CERN always understood this and prepared CASTOR for the ‘big-bang’ event. And so because theoretical science of strangelets today tell us that at those energies, when the quark cannon strikes target, strangelets will be formed, chances that they will be formed are huge, both in our suits and papers and those of Team Castor who estimates (slide, point one), a ‘very big number’!, 500 strangelets a month. I thought of Einstein, when he was called a liar by 300 German scientists, who wrote a book ’300 physicists against Einstein’. ‘If they were right, one would be enough’ – he said. Indeed, one strangelet not 500 would be enough to start an ice-9 reaction. The first knowledge we had about strangelets was advanced by MIT theorists, specially Mr. Jaffe, in the 90s when the LHC was planned. Then it was speculated that strangelets will not form easily and the most dangerous, negative strangelets able to attract other nuclei, will not take place. But as it turned out that ‘strange quarks’ are negative, having a 1/3rd charge, soon we learned that most strangelets would be negative. The next ‘impossibility’ – that strange liquid (the non abbreviated name of strangelets) – would not exist in nature, was destroyed by the increasing evidence that ALL pulsars, also called neutron stars, were actually strangelets, strange stars, with a strangelet nuclei and only a cover of neutrons. So it is happening ALL the time in nature. By then CERN had got the money for the LHC and could not back off unless it was to fire its 8000 electricians and hundreds of thousands of physicists collaborating. So they denied stubbornly the existence of strangelets, quoting systematically the old papers of the 90s. One of those papers by Mr. Glashow, from 91 – that old indeed – was the only paper Mr. Glashow, Court Amici in the suit against CERN at Hawaii, brought to the judge. He claimed a pretentious authority on strangelets on account of his Nobel Prize for the weak force. But as today those papers are totally outdated (and so it is the weak force model for which he got the Nobel Prize, but that is another matter). 20 years after that paper in which he affirmed that ‘strangelets’ were very ‘unlikely’ to exist in Nature, we know they are all over the cosmos. Then it came the series of breakthroughs of the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, which proved mathematically( and have never been disputed as science must be disputed, with pen and paper), that all type of color-locked strangelets (negative, positive and neutral) will form and become stable, in the case of Neutral strangelets with just 6 quarks in the form of dibaryons, in the case of negative strangelets with a few thousand of them. CERN calculates it will produce close to a million strange quarks in pb-pb collisions at the LHC at top energies in 2013, and a somewhat shorter but well above 1000 quark ball number in November. We shall therefore, once it is clear CERN will produce stable strangelets, provide the real scenarios of what will happen when those strangelets form. Since this schizoid company of multiple personalities won’t do it. 1st scenario: chain reaction of strangelets as a complex liquid that converts Earth into a Supernova. Peng, from the Chinese Institute of High energy physis, rightly considers then that the strangelet will grow, absorbing quarks and transforming our matter into ultradense strange matter, till reaching a stable form with a size slightly smaller than a hydrogen atom. Then it will become an atom of strange liquid. ![]() Because the strangelet has the size of an atom, despite having thousands of quarks inside, when the strangelet seats in the center of the Earth, where atoms are tightly packed, it will attract them now with its gravitational and strong forces. Some people at CERN trying to find excuses for this not to happen, say that there will be a Coulomb barrier that prevents those atoms to fall into the strangelet. But of course this is silly. The coulomb barrier is the product of the atomic number of the atom and the elementary charge, which even for the heaviest uranium gives us around 100, the value of the strong force of a single quark, so what they are telling us is that a single individual will be able to stop the force of thousands of them – the strong force of the quarks inside the growing strangelet (-;. Like in the case of Cosmic rays or the game of absurd probabilities, nuclear physicists are playing with the naivety and trust of people who don’t know physics. The strangelet will certainly keep growing till reaching the aforementioned size of an electron compton wave with 3 million quarks inside, in a size slightly smaller than a hydrogen atom. And now its gravitational and strong force will catalyze the formation of new ‘strangelet atoms’ around it. Indeed, the last excuse nuclear physicists have invented to calm the public is that once the strangelet reaches the Compton size it won’t keep growing. This is correct. The compton wave should be the size of a 3 million quarks, strangelet atom. But the strangelet atom will keep attracting atoms with its awesome gravitational and strong force, deconfining them and packing up their quarks into new strangelet atoms. Since in fact those 3 millions of quarks per strangelet atom pack S-quarks with a mass twenty four times that of our average quark (95 Mev vs. 3 Mev for the up and 6 for the down): ![]() So a single strangelet, smaller than a hydrogen atom, packs however the weight of 26 million normal quarks, a gravitational force equivalent to half a million atoms of water. That super-dense water, the Ice-9, being so small and heavy will cut through the Earth as a knife cuts the water, falling at g-speed… How long it will take in that journey? It is easy to calculate because it will be a free fall and so it will follow the simple Galilean formula for the acceleration of a body: d=1/2 at^2 Where the Distance to cross are d= 6.374 kilometers and the acceleration is, a =9.8 m/s Which gives us a time of nineteen minutes in its descent. As they fall, seating on the center of the Earth, forming the first drops of ice-9, those strangelets will start crunching and feeding the light, ordinary matter as we breath air, in a monotone series of big crunches and big bangs, breathing the matter and expelling the electro-weak energy of its electrons. Since the strangelet is given a stability of hours, it will arrive to its destiny almost certainly. How long thus will it take for the LHC to blow up the Earth in the worst scenario? A few hours after the first collisions take place the 11/9, there could be millions of strange quarks feeding with its awesome force in the center of the planet. The longevity of strange quarks have always surprised researchers. The first strange particle discovered, the Kaon, lived millions of times more than expected, reason why it was called ‘strange quark’. It was ‘as if Cleopatra were still dying from the aspid bite, still falling into the river’, said the physicist that discovered it. The strangelet will keep falling beyond that river, cutting like a knife into the water, followed by a massive release of energy, as it cracks atoms with its enormous imbalance of charge, absorbing its quarks. Finally it will reach its point of rest at the center of the Earth, finding other strangelets, growing the first drops of ice-9… One atom at a time, millions of quarks of ordinary matter will become part of the new strangelet atoms in an spontaneous reactions that releases more energy that consumes. Those type of ‘spontaneous’ reactions happen all over Nature. In any chemical reaction the final product is not a single molecule but an enormous number of small molecules, catalyzed by the reaction that keeps transforming the initial products (in the ice-9 reaction the atoms of the Earth) into the end products (the molecules or in the ice-9 reaction the strangelet atoms). Indeed, because the strangelet will still attract further matter, the strangelet will NOT become static but it will turn more atoms into strangelets. Nature is never static. Chemical reactions like this one, in which there is a release of energy, since the end product (the strangelet) is more stable than the original product (the atomic matter), don’t stop till the initial products disappear, in this case till the entire Earth becomes strange matter. They are called exergonic reactions or spontaneous reactions for that reason, since just the initial kick of energy that triggers the creation of the first product makes the reaction self-sustained. This has been finally recognized this week in the article of physicsworld we quote at the end of this post, which literally says: ’A little energy is enough to transform a neutron star [with an iron cover] into a strange star’. The same can be said of the Earth: ‘ a little energy is enough to transform the iron core of the Earth into a strange star’. 2 common processes of Nuclear reactions will then take place: - Catalysis of new strangelets, as the huge charge and mass of the strangelet attracts atoms that lump on the surface creating more strangelets: the stable Strangelet with its awesome charge and weight will keep attracting atoms and ions. Those atoms and ions, surrounding the stable strangelet will form new ‘atoms’ of strange liquid. And so the strangelet mass will keep growing. This even a high school student of physics can understand. Basically the first strangelet will act as a ‘catalyzer’ of the reaction, forming new strangelet atoms in its surface. This again happens all the time in Nature in which heavier metal nuclei act as ‘catalyzers’ of chemical reactions, as matter is attracted by them and anchors in the surface. So new atoms anchored in the surface of the first strangelet will continue growth. - But there is even a faster, more scary possibility… that the first strangelet fissions into smaller pieces that will grow again, starting a nuclear reaction called ‘ice-9′, exploding the Earth into a super-nova in a matter of seconds. Indeed. All the atomic nuclei that ‘grow’, split when they reach their limit and fission, starting a chain reaction that grows even faster, as strangelets do in Nature in Quark stars all over the cosmos. It happens in any atomic bomb, in any radiactive atomic nucleus. So what will happen then, because it is NOT excluded and according to the Totalitarian Principle of Gell-mann (the discoverer of quarks) ALL what is not excluded happens in science, and further on this is what the drop-liquid model shows to happen always in atomic nuclei made of quarks is obvious: When the strangelet reaches the size of the Compton wave, since it is in fact a liquid, it will find very easy according to the drop-liquid model of atomic nuclei, to split/fission in several parts that will keep growing back to the 3 million quark stable package, exactly as in any chain reaction, causing the Earth to become a supernova. The catastrophic scenario is simple and self-evident, and it can be seen all over the cosmos in the transformation of a normal star into a pulsar, which has a strangelet core. Basically the strangelet will follow the droplet model we use for fission processes. According to Peng, the growth of the strangelet will be fast in all possible types, neutral, positive and negative, because we have found a new quality of strange matter, called ‘color locked’, according to which those quarks are far more stable than previously thought. This again has never been disputed, except by CERN’s hired experts in the suits against the company. Today all physicists know that quarks ‘lock themselves’ in triads that become far more stable than what physicists – specifically Mr. Glashow, a theorist that worked on strangelets 20 years ago… Yet CERN engaged Mr. Glashow in the suits against the LHC, as the foremost expert and ‘Nobel Prize’ from decades ago, to defend the ‘ordinary sets’, which are to modern theory of strangelets what the Rutherford model of atoms is to quantum theory – a joke. In the last decade the Chinese Institute of Nuclear Physics has become the most advanced Institution in the analysis of strangelets, that have surpassed clearly the ancient American MIT institute, where the second expert on those suits, Amicus Curiae Mr. Wilczek, keeps laughing at our ‘likely’ extinction… pointing out in the hyperlinked video that if he is wrong, nobody will blame him. While in our suits he claims to be an ‘authority’ that has to be ‘trusted’, because we are ‘persons of no merit’ without further technical or scientific explanations. Since he knows perfectly if he goes into scientific details as we do in this article, he has no objective, scientific arguments to deny what the Chinese researchers are saying and we merely explain in this article. Fact is, in the same manner the Chinese are taking over America as the top economical nation at race speed, their labs today are producing an increasing wealth of top papers at the head of research in many fields, including strangelets. Further on, they are NOT engaged in CERN so their views are the only objective views within the physicists’ community. There are NOT at the Chinese Institute of higher physics, confidentiality statements that oblige workers at CERN, like Mr. Wilczek, hired to make those safety reports, to state zero risks, as the New Yorker reported . So they can tell us the naked truth. So far, neither CERN, Mr. Wilczek or Mr. Glashow have wanted to make any explanations beyond their claim that we must ‘trust their authority’ – neither of them have in fact appeared on the suits against the company, which defaulted systematically. 2nd scenario: neutral strangelets: creation of ‘usd’ particles, the minimal units of a strangelet that slowly grow and devour the Earth inside-out. But even if the LHC produces far less quantities of Strange quarks than predicted, producing slet-3 of the graph, neutral strangelets, the reaction can take place in a slower fashion. We already have experimental evidence of this, since the previous top Ion accelerator, RHIC, produced a few strange quarks that formed a cohesive liquid, a proto-strangelet, with far less energy/mass (E=Mc2), than the LHC will have. It made small, aborted phetus – let us put it this way – that thanks God – didn’t stabilize, but grew a billion times faster than expected, and started to absorb other quarks. This surprised all researchers that expected a gas and found a ‘perfect liquid’. The Rex showed its teeth. But the corporation that runs this Jurassic Park of ultra-dangerous primordial particles won’t close the facilities. Those were the first atoms of strangelets – mainly hyperons (usd atoms) just one stage below the particle that will kill us, the double nuclei hyperon, the stable dibaryon, usd-usd. At RHIC we were lucky. We only saw half dibaryons, usd atoms, which are not stable. We just need two join two ‘strains’ of this lethal RNA to form a stable ‘DNA’ of strange science, a dibaryon that will catalyze as DNA did in the organic soup, the conversion of matter in strange liquid. The scenario is simple: There are 3 kinds of ‘atoms’ of strange liquid, a mixture of up, down and strange quarks: 1) Up-strange and down-strange Kaons. They are the first to appear and they are unstable, so they decay as antiparticles. The LHC did 16% more of those in December at a mere 1.1Tev. 2) Hyperons, usd-atoms. They are only stable at high pressure, inside stars and maybe in the nuclei of Earth. At RHIC 70 hyperons were found, much more than expected. If 2 of them collide they form a dibaryon a double Hyperon: usd-usd; and dibaryons are stable at normal atmospheric pressure. Those 2 atoms, hyperons and dibaryons are the only substances we know can provoke supernovas and we know they are the nuclei of pulsars, the remnant of those explosions. And so now: 3) Thus, at 3.5 Tev in lead to lead collisions, the LHC will produce so many collisions between hyperons that it shall create a constant stream of stable dibaryons, stable strangelet liquid, able to blow up the Earth. Dibaryons are the neutral, stable atom of strangelet liquids. You need only 2 hyperons, 2 usd-atoms joined in a collision to form a usd/usd di-baryon. Those stable and neutral dibaryons then will fall to Earth’s center. A few hundred might form in each collision. How many are needed to form a strangelet? If you see the previous table of the types of strangelets, a dibaryon, usd-usd will have neutral charge (+2/3 -1/3 -1/3 +2/3 -1/3 -1/3) but it is already stable with a mere 6 quarks. Thus, according to Peng and Chen a single dibaryon could do it. But in this case the process will be extremely slow, as the dibaryon will be neutral, seat on the center of the Earth and catalyze very slowly the creation of new dibaryons. This would be the best scenario, taking decades to blow up the Earth. But this scenario that might be already in the workings (as neutral dibaryons are invisible – only charged particles are detected in accelerators, so they could have been produced at RHIC without being noticed), is superseeded by the thousands of strange quarks the LHC will produce in its collisions. The certainty of dibaryon creation in any case is close to 100% if it didn’t happen at RHIC already. Thus on 11/9 CERN will start creating strangelet atoms, dibaryons. Of course CERN has denied this adamantly in public. Yet again, we have found an inner document in which CERN affirms that ‘dibaryons will be stable, lasting a few days: ‘There is a mass range, below 2055 MeV (the mass of a lambda and a neutron), where it [Hdibaryon] could only decay by a doubly weak decay into two neutrons. This is a deltaS =2 reaction and leads to a predicted lifetime of the order of days’ By JP Coffin et al. (seriously) ‘Search for strange dibaryons in STAR and ALICE’ Jrnal of Phys G v28 pp1707-1714 2002 How long will the dibaryons take to fall to the center of the Earth? Not very long. It is a free fall event. One hundred times heavier than our mass, its fall will be like that of a parachuter, towards home, the center of the earth. Then, there, the Earth will fall into them… The first warnings. The creation at RHIC of an unstable liquid drop of strangelet was always denied, prior to the experiment. It was only anticipated in 2000 by a Safety Officer of Accelerators, who denounced that possibility and put a suit, risking his job, to RHIC, Mr. Walter Wagner, a Physicist from Livermore Laboratory. He lost his job for that suit and was cannibalized by the corporate scientific press, who said it would never happened, who said RHIC would only create a gas. And yet, it created a proto-strangelet liquid with a behavior similar to that of a black hole. This was a ‘BIG surprise’ for all scientists involved who claimed before at RHIC that they would never produce a single strangelet (strange liquid particle) but just an evaporating, harmless gas. And yet they did make the first particles of strangelet liquid, fortunately enough in small numbers and without any explanation on how it had happened. I wrote then, with the help of Rossler, as specialists in Complexity, fractal theory and Chaotic liquids, an article, censored by the corporate scientific media, explaining what none has done in those prehistoric, mamooth labs that use still in the XXI century models of simple liquids and single entropy arrows, 20 years after we defined (Mehaute and myself), mathematically the existence of a second arrow of in’formative’ time, responsible for big crunches in complex liquids, black holes and the Universe at large. But of course, we were not published. We are, as my friend affirmed in a personal e-mail, ‘non-persons’, like those invisible characters of a science-fiction tragedy. Because this is indeed, a tragedy of cosmic proportions, made possible not only by CERN, but also by the corporate press that dares not to denounce a company ‘too big to fail’. And yet the consequences once this happens will be impossible to undo. But we humans seem unable to learn from past experiences. Plainly speaking our arrogance and ignorance of the laws of the Universe go together to accelerate our demise. If we were ignorant but humble we just wouldn’t take the risk. If physicists knew as much as they pretend to know, instead of being stuck in a single arrow of time (energy), and a simple mathematical analysis of reality (not the fractal Non-Euclidean equations and dual arrows of energy and information we use in complexity), they would simply not need CERN, as they would understand and resolve as we have done in Complexity all the questions the quark cannon pretends to study. ‘Physicists are often wrong but never in doubt’ said Landau. Indeed, nuclear physicists at CERN are both arrogant and ignorant of any sound physics that don’t cater their agenda of zero risk; and so in their ignorance they will make strangelets and/or black holes in their arrogance they will dismiss the advices of those of us who are humble and knowledgeable about the true laws of mass and black holes that we have discovered using the second arrow of time/information. But of course, we do not have a 10 billion dollar machine and war chest to explain this to the world. We are what true scientists have always been. Individual people, with little power, little interest in the bonfire of human vanity, but beautiful minds to understand that knowledge and ethics go together, or as Socrates put it, ‘an intelligent man is a good man’. At CERN they are neither intelligent not good people, but smart bullies which live off the routines of the cold war age, when Nuclear scientists were sanctified, not because they explained us the meaning of it all, but because they were making nuclear weapons and the system was justifying them as the ‘high priest of knowledge’, to elevate ‘Shiva’ the God of death and energy to the top of the human altars. Indeed, when the Aryan invaded India, they divided the caste of warriors in fighters and Brahmins, the philosophers that wrote the Baghavad Gita, to justify murder on the altar of Shiva. Oppenheimer, who pressed the bottom that inagurated CERN, and Rudolf Hoess of Auschwitz fame had something in common: both carried with them always the Gita, which quenches all ethical fears, as we humans must behave as automatons of duty and death. ‘The tragedies of History return because humans never learn from their past’ M. Proust It is useless to argue further about the duplicity and callousness of corrupted military or corrupted science – exemplified during the XX and XXI century by nuclear physicists, who pretend to explain us the meaning of it all with false God’s particles but are merely abusing the tax payers and menacing the future of life in this planet. Unfortunately the ‘Industrial military-complex’ is with them and the corporate press hails them as geniuses, because ‘in the name of the religion of science’ all crimes can be justified. And so the religion of the machine is above any authority and nobody defies it. It should not surprise us that now again all physicists back CERN, regardless of the known-known risks and unknown-known genocide it can cause: the only physicist of note, who dissent against the Nuclear Race was Mr. Einstein, reason why he had a file opened by the FBI; his classes at Princeton were deserted… and so he took to walks with Godel and boat sailing. Knowledge and scientific prestige, even in the case of Einstein, had to yield to the power of money and the industrial-military complex, as it has been the case with CERN. In that regard, the fundamental error of Humanity regarding Nuclear Physicists is NOT to realize that they are neither the avant garde of scientific research (we, Complex theorists, like Mr. Rossler and myself, who have fusioned the laws of biology and physics, of Darwin and Einstein are), nor they are idealist scientists, but they act and respond to their worldly profession, which is to make weapons. And so their character, duplicity and obsession with death is self-similar to that of the military that ‘defend’ our nations but often ruin them causing unnecessary wars. This is something people seem to have completely forgotten. Nuclear Physicists make weapons and then discover ‘things’ which are mostly irrelevant for the ‘big picture’ of the Universe, studied by astrophysicists, philosophers of science and in this century, Complex and system scientists, which fusion biological and physical laws in a veritable theory of Unification. If people would understand this, then it would easily compare CERN with the behavior of our military in Afghanistan, where they pretend to be a ‘peace corps’ but massacre innocent people with robotic weapons. CERN belongs to that psychology which was crystal clear during the Cold war but now it has been forgotten. Since the industrial-military complex has refined his marketing and now it sells itself as a ‘knowledge tank’ to the service of mankind. Yet if a ‘minor ‘genocide happens, if the innocent electricians and youngsters working at CERN, who ignore what their leaders know, if the people of Geneva die in an atomic explosion (in case the strangelet and black hole become unstable, they will be transformed, E=Mc2, into the biggest nuclear explosion ever, but won’t destroy the Earth), Mr. R.H. who prudently moved to Tokyo, the day the LHC made the first collisions, ‘just in case’, should be tried for mass murder with John Ellis and the rest of the people responsible of this cover up of Mr. Einstein’s work and the laws of strangelets, which they perfectly know, as those documents show, and yet have hidden to the public and the ‘sheeple’ press. The solution must come from outside CERN and the nuclear physicists’ community. Obviously at this stage, technocrats, politicians and the press who backed this company with wishful blindness are trapped in their own errors of judgment and will not cancel a 13 billion $ project not to face public derision for being cheated by yet another mammoth – not so clean – Energy Corporation. The machine is too big to fail; and as we all know it is an unwritten rule of power politics ‘never to acknowledge any mistake’. And certainly Nuclear Physicists will not come out of the closet and say the truth. They never do. None except Einstein, regretting his letter to the president, confronted clearly the Nuclear Race. The International Agency of Nuclear Science, from the UN, certified that in Chernobyl tragedy ‘only 56 people died’(1) – the people who were blasted that day – since they refused to acknowledge the +200.000 cancer victims according to the Byelorussian government as ‘non-proved’. You see, this is now again the official position: In the suits Courts determined that the ‘Destruction of Earth is in no way attributable to US government’ since we didn’t demonstrate ‘Injury in fact’ – only ‘a posteriori’ when we are all dead could we sue CERN. La Hague Court of Human rights told my father, a reputed Lawyer from Spain, that they would only judge ‘genocides that had happen’. But all this was before we knew the extend of CERN’s ‘wrecklesness’ in this matter. So now, only direct action by the European Governments and Security forces can stop this 11/9 act of ‘scientific terrorism’. But it must be done in a quiet, non-compromising way. How then could we stop this genocide of all of us in the making? The only thing that could be done is to ‘fake’ a solution with the ‘tools’ of power of our society, money and weapons, since truth, the power of the wor(l)d, which is the only tool I have, didn’t beat the money and weapon-machines of CERN in this corrupted world we live in. Thus, the solution is a 3 sided process, which could be achieved using either of the 3 languages that control the world, words, money and weapons: - The press should change sides and denounces the company NOW, reason why today I released the news of this post to 100 newspapers. While Mr. Penrose, a British physicist and mathematician who provided me with some of these documents, has been trying to leak the same CERN’s lies to the ministries of science of Europe… So far with little success. Since there is an unwritten law in our ‘free market’ economy that states corporations are never prevented from committing enviromental crimes. Only at posteriori they are denounced with outrage as it happened with British petroleum. But perhaps ‘word of mouth’ could do it. You could help to disseminate the news, twitting, facebooking and digging this post with the tools given below… If this becomes ‘vox populi’ then CERN would have to respond to the world and political power could act. - Politicians could also stop the machine with money. Further cuts on the program and budget of CERN could be requested. European Governments could quietly ask ‘Caesar Hauer’ to close CERN for winter, as it always did before to ‘save’ money, given the fact that this machine when running consumes the amount of energy of the entire city of Geneva and prices of electricity are much higher in winter. This is in fact the first year the machine will run in winter at higher cost, paradoxically when we all have to tighten our belts in the middle of the Economic Crisis. The reason is obvious: CERN wants to dismiss the risks with a ‘fait accompli’ so it is rushing the experiment because as John Ellis, chief theorist put it: ‘the best way to dismiss this talk about the LHC destroying the world, is to switch it on’. Now CERN should be obliged to release a statement saying that the machine will go on recess during the winter period, as it is usually done, to save money to European tax payers. And then quietly close down the next year. - Finally, the Interior Ministries of France or Switzerland, responsible for policing and national security, who have territorial jurisdiction on the machine, could also stop it. If security forces and politicians of those countries knew what is at stakes, they could fake a ‘bomb warning’ at CERN, evacuate the premises and while searching for the device, set it up in secret and explode the tubes of the collider. Yes, indeed, in 9/11 there were confabulation theorists that went so far as to say the American government had put charges on the basements and cut the foundations of the building – witness the absurd rhetoric on that issue of the Iranian president, recently at UN – yet another politician who absurdly thinks Nuclear Bombs must be had, if we ‘can do it’. This confabulation theory was obviously false and doesn’t deserve any serious thinking. However in the 11/9 ‘plot’, since those ‘scientific terrorists’ are ours and hence far more difficult to deal with, breaking the collider could be indeed a solution for european governments not to loose face and for physicists quietly exit this ill-conceived machine and accept defeat without public opprobium. Then the collider would shut down for repairs and latter on, quietly cancelled for ‘economical reasons’. So there is indeed a solution to this genocide in the making. It won’t happen I know, the routines of our society are too strong, our leaders too weak to defy them, power too arrogant to recognize a mistake. So they will probably prefer to ‘believe’ that the heirs of Openheimer and Teller are to be trusted, that the laws of Nature will bend to their will… But maybe a miracle happen, an Asimovian ‘mule’ breaks the routines of human self-destruction and takes the risks of being ridiculed as the people who sued CERN have been, knowing that this has to be done. This must be stopped by political power. We cannot longer trust nuclear physicists. It was done before by Eisenhower. In the previous Horizon of Nuclear Weapons, Hydrogen Bombs, Teller had invented a very costly mechanism to produce H-bombs, patented the method and created the industries to profit from its manufacturing. But he didn’t sell the product for ‘money and prizes’, his true reasons. Instead Teller convinced Truman of the need to make Hydrogen bombs, because they were necessary to ‘know better’ the atom. Then he proposed an H-Bomb made with his company at stratospheric prices able to blow up the whole URSS. He was backed by the entire nuclear community – never mind that such explosion will destroy the atmosphere and all forms of life on planet Earth. Eisenhower realized of this MAD strategy and called Krushev, starting the process of disarmament. Any takers against the Heirs of Teller of whom his college Isador Rabi said: “I really do feel it would have been a better world without Teller, I think he is an enemy of humanity” ? Today we could just change the name of Mr. Teller for Mr. Ellis, who said his job is to protect ‘the LHC from mankind’. So we wonder, where is the new Einsehower able to protect mankind from the LHC?We need a politician, a man of action, which at this stage can only be Obama, Sarkozy or Van Rompuy. They could stop CERN from making strangelets, and make truth the promises of a world with less Nuclear weapons. Eisenhower was a military who protected mankind from Nuclear Physicists. Can Mr. Obama or Mr. Sarkozy protect us again with something more substantial than promising words? ![]() In the graph, bunches of protons with hundreds of times less quarks than the lead ions which will collide the 11/9 have formed a drop of unstable quark-gluon liquid, a fermion condensate, surprising CERN’s physicists. On the ion collisions the 11/9 there will be hundreds of times more quarks packed together, bound to create stable strangelets (u,s, d quark liquids) More bad news coming. Yesterday CERN gave the news that a quark-gluon liquid was starting to form with simple proton/proton collisions. Given the fact that energy becomes mass, E=Mc2, the quarks inside the protons multiplied in enormous numbers and since the bunches of protons collided at close distances, they massed in a bose-einstein fermion liquid (ridge on the picture) that ‘surprised’ again all scientists. As we explained in our post – The grand design – we exists in an organic, fractal Universe whose forms self-reproduce constantly into self-similar forms, which gather into herds and form new, bigger scales of the fractal Universe. So quarks reproduce new quarks and form herds. Thus the 3 lonely quarks of the proton reproduced thousands of quarks which formed a Bose-Einstein condensate, which was unstable. Needless to say when the hundreds of quarks inside the lead hadrons collide, there will be more than enough quark liquid to create stable strangelets that will start the dreaded ice-9 reaction (stability grows with the quark mass of the strangelet). The signs of an impeding catastrophe are everywhere, but nobody listens. Since the idea that we, humans, are so unimportant to the grand design that we could disappear easily defies the ego-centered beliefs of our species. Time is running out for the press, the military and the governments to stop this experiment but they keep practicing their wishful blindness. The way in which yesterday’s scary discovery was presented as ‘new physics’ by all newspapers that merely released the PR news from the company shows that we will wait till the ice-9 spill happens. Only that this spill cannot be closed like the BP one. Nuclear Physicists are willing to take the risk with the cynical nihilism they have always shown, from Oppenheimer (‘I am become Kali, the destroyer of worlds’) to Teller to Wilczek, who was taped saying: ‘I never was so confident to make a prediction as when I was called to seat on a panel about the possibility of an accelerator turning on and ending the world; predicting that it won’t is very safe because if your prediction is wrong [shrugging his shoulders], ha, ha, ha, ha’. ’2 things I deem infinite, the Universe and the stupidity of man; and I am not sure of the former’. A. Einstein Update 12th October. Paper confirming ice-9 reaction. [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 141101.] In a new article at physics world physicists finally acknowledge that CERN will produce strangelets. This was taboo but perhaps the success of this release commented in alternative media outlets has opened the Pandora Box. The article recognizes that the LHC will produce them, and that they can cause an ice-9 reaction, converting the iron core of the Earth into a strange star, because strangelets are more stable than normal matter (the article refers to neutron stars, made of neutrons with a cover of iron, but obviously will produce the same effect if they fall to the iron core of the Earth) Yet what astonishes the reader is that after recognizing those dangers, the cold-hearted researchers eagerly expect their production at CERN to further advance their career and prove the thesis of their paper. This astounding irresponsibility is at the core of all what is wrong at CERN and the people that back those experiments. Nothing matters in the ‘rat race’ of scholar papers, in the competition to ‘achieve’ the Nobel Prize, the grant, the recognition of a minor discovery, even the high chances of extinguishing Earth. Selfishness reaches a ‘surrealist’ twist that explains the style of the video we made about those strangelets. And the final warning, which closes the film quantum roulette, from ‘Cat and cradle’: ‘What hope can therebe for mankind, when there are men that give such playthings as ice-9 to short-sighted children as most people are?’ Here the beginning of the article at Physics world with ad-ons by me []: ‘The energy needed to convert a neutron star [with a core of neutrons and a surface of iron] into a so-called strange star may come from annihilating dark-matter particles. That is the conclusion of a new study by physicists in Spain, the UK and the US, who propose that this conversion mechanism may be a good way to put a lower limit on the mass of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), a leading candidate for dark matter [The physicists work in WIMPs and that is the only thing they care for - to put 'a lower limit on their mass'.]…. It has been proposed, however, that, given some kind of source of additional energy, neutron stars can convert to strange stars, objects consisting of strange matter – a soup of unbound up, down and strange quarks. The idea is that adding this energy to a certain limited volume of the neutron star will unlock the up and down quarks confined inside the neutrons [exactly what the LHC will do]. Some of these quarks will then naturally convert into strange quarks, producing a region of strange matter known as a strangelet. If, as has been hypothesized, strange matter is in fact more stable than normal, nuclear, matter it will exist a lower energy. The excess energy given off by the conversion of normal matter into strange matter then unlocks more up and down quarks, leading to the creation of more strangelets. The result is a runaway process capable of converting an entire neutron star into strange matter within a second or less. “The neutron star is metastable, like someone on a mountain ledge,” explains Joseph Silk of the University of Oxford who was involved in the work. “Just as a little kick can push that person off the ledge and send them to the bottom of the mountain, so a little energy is enough to transform a neutron star into a strange star.” [the LHC excess of energy will do so] While there is no clear evidence that strange matter actually exists, the observation of extremely brief but ultra-bright bursts of gamma rays from the cosmos suggests the existence of strange stars. Researchers have proposed that the enormous power needed to produce a gamma-ray burst could come from the formation of a black hole, but the large numbers of particles of normal matter surrounding a black hole could absorb much of that energy. The conversion of a neutron star into a strange star, however, could provide the required energy but without the surrounding matter. [This was all along what we said in our first suits: that the massive bursts of gamma-rays found by the Fermi satellite, which never found signatures of black hole evaporation, were a clear prove that either neutron stars or planets with civilizations of 'physicists', were blowing up, confirming the Fermi paradox - we don't hear signs of advanced civilizations in a galaxy filled with planets because they burst in gamma-rays. Moreover, precisely because of the tiny size of a planet, the explosion of planets by 'physicists' would match the cleaness, low magnitude/mass and high frequency/energy observed in those gamma ray bursts. Are all planets busted by LHC-like machines, reason why we don't observe galactic civilizations, even of the robotic kind, as the parallel evolution of the machines of the Singularity age end systematically in those explosions. Given the indifference of mankind to this obvious danger and the automaton behavior of physicists just worried by their limited 'field of research', destiny seems to loom larger by the day.] [Then after an argument on their 'subject' WIMPS, the team happily finds that CERN will give them a 'second chance' to prove his theory - the same argument of Hawking that stated publicly at Pasadena that producing black holes at the LHC will give him ' a second chance to win a Nobel Prize']: ‘The team claims that two lines of observation could support their thesis and thereby help place a new limit on the mass of WIMPs. One would involve measuring the mass and radius of a strange star, obtained by studying the radiation of pulsars, and comparing these values with the predictions made by their model and those of alternative models. Evidence could also be obtained by creating and then measuring strangelets at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in the US or in the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva.’ Update, 14 Oct. End of the proton run . At 3:38 a.m. beams of protons were colliding with a luminosity of 1.01 × 1032, a milestone that the teams running the Large Hadron Collider had been working all year to achieve - Rolf Heuer explained in the message sent today to CERN staff – ‘It’s a great achievement by all concerned to reach this important milestone with over two weeks to spare. The remainder of this year’ s proton running will be devoted to maximising the LHC 2010 data set and preparing for 2011 proton running before we switch to lead ions in November.’ Any discovery of note? Of course, not. The Higgs Hoax was just the objective of the marketing department, in charge of ‘training the press’. But the press – let us face it – has trained itself with political and economical correctness, now for centuries, to back always technology (hence also weapons, the most advanced technology at any time) as the ‘future’ progress of mankind… We could make a bigger, larger, more powerful machine. And since machines gather digital ‘data’, once it was clear that the Higgs Hoax had been just an excuse for the Media Hype, data now has become in itself the goal of the experiment, as Hauer explains: ‘the larger goal of delivering an integrated luminosity of one inverse femtobarn to the experiments by the end of 2011. That’s the amount of data [...] the objective we set ourselves.’ So we have made a better atomic cannon, regardless of its null beneficial use for mankind beyond the femtobarn of data, because nuclear physicists wanted it. And the military-industrial complex could make it. A bigger toy for our spoiled children of thought. But to ‘have it all’ is the irresponsible philosophy of children, which see it all tainted subjectively by the glass of their wantings. The Darwinian Universe doesn’t work like that. Curiosity kills the Schrödinger’s cat. In fact, Nature feeds on children: Eggs, cubs and alevins are the cosmic staple of a fractal, eternal Universe, which constantly reproduces the same in/form/ations and events, reason why it cares nothing for their extinction. How many planets have gone through self-similar, infantile, self-appointed Sons of God, claiming to be discovering the meaning of it all, while blowing themselves up? How many gamma-ray bursts of ‘unique’, anthropic planets are happening now? How meaningless we are? ‘ …a mush over the surface of a lost rock in a corner of the Universe – departing from those facts, we can talk about man.’ Schopenhauer Update, 20 October. The last release. Mr. Penrose and other physicists greatly concerned by the implications of these documents spent the last week doing an important, careful release of the CASTOR papers to the key mainstream media and science reporters and the Interior and Science Ministries of all the nations involved at CERN. This was not an easy task, as Mr. Penrose, the spokesman for this ‘Heavy-Ion Alert’ group, is the scion of a well-known family of British scientists, whose reputation would be put on line for this release, and so he has taken his time to talk this issue with his family and peers, trying to find a way out for CERN to not avail. But he has now presented the issue in a more academic manner and released the information to the press. I must congratulate him; since I am conscious that the massive smear campaigns against me and the ‘pioneer’ people, who opposed this potential genocide has crippled our efforts and credibility. This, I have explained in this web: the prosecution has gone to the point of getting my scholar papers on the science of complexity and my pioneer models on the fractal Universe, applied to all sciences erased from Google scholar (till my work in the late 90s, except for some extraordinary insights of Mr. Mandelbrot and the application of fractal conceps to Astrophysics by Nottale, there was not a clear formulation of a Unification Theory of all sciences based in the scalar, self-similar, fractal, self-generative properties of information, the ‘program’ that designs the Universe. Since Mandelbrot, one of the few geniuses of the post-war era, who just passed away sparing himself the ‘Grand Finale’ have given indeed the first right step, discovering the fractal mathematics of information, but his concept of ‘roughness’ was too shy of the enormous implications of fractal, organic structures for the big picture of reality. Further on, it was needed to complete the 5 Non-Euclidean Postulates of geometry and fusion them with fractal mathematics to renovate the languages of the human mind. And so only when I completed that task left unfinished by Riemann and Einstein, I had the key to unlock the Grand Design, upgrading all sciences with it.) In that regard I was first shocked by the insinuations that we opposed CERN for ‘gain and fame’, or that we didn’t know what we talked about, but since we were never given a chance to defend ourselves, only one side of the story remains. In any case, what those smearing campaigns on Rossler, Walter and me means for this issue is that we have been mouth-strapped, effectively from the beginning. For that reason I insisted so much to Mr. Penrose and other scientists to do this release, despite having those documents available in this web. Since it is obvious that they won’t be smeared – respect is due in the ‘anglopocentric’ world we live in to people with the right pedigree (-; Sorry Eric, we have now only 20 days left before what can be our last minute on Earth, so let me have some irony about the way humans qualify subjectively truth). From now on, if CERN has a ‘carte blanche’ to go ahead with the experiments, the responsibility will be shared by the Press, the Political Power and the Company. If we die, it won’t be any longer CERN only, which has to be blamed. As it would be naive to blame only BP of the spill, now that we know the extent of the cover up of the Government’s Agencies on the risks and damage of the spill. Companies in our civilization are wrongly designed to reach their goals at all costs. Governments and the Press are supposed to monitor, alert and control with their executive power their wrong-doing. They are now informed, if they cover up this crime and allow these experiments to take place to protect a ‘machine’, it means plainly speaking, that we humans lack the minimal qualities required to survive in the Darwinian, Fractal Universe. In any case the release was done, perhaps a bit late, but with courage Mr. Penrose has done what had to be done. And of course, as today, nobody has published… So when and if this happens, I just want to state that we, the people who have dedicated years to these cause, have finished our job. For any further inquires on CASTOR, please contact Mr. Penrose, who has taken the relay from us in this matter at the Heavy-Ion Alert site. Good luck my friend. It is indeed a heavy, strange Sisyphus stone, the one you carry now, hope it doesn’t sink us all. (1) 9. http://www.greenpeace.org/international/press/releases/greenpeace-new-study-reveals-d The data, based on Belarus national cancer statistics, predicts approximately 270,000 cancers and 93,000 fatal cancer cases will be caused by Chernobyl. The report also concludes that on the basis of demographic data, during last 15 years, 60,000 people have died additionally in Russia because of the Chernobyl accident, and estimates of the total death toll for Ukraine and Belarus could be another 140,000. Yet ‘only 56 people have died as a direct result of radiation released in Chernobyl’ according to the report ushered by UNO’s Atomic Energy Agency: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article563041.ece Volcanic activity increasing worldwide Lists 20 deadliest volcanoes in past 500 years link (Scroll to end to see why this concerns me) |

"We are seeing an increase in volcanic activity worldwide, says climatologist Cliff Harris.
"On Aug. 29, thousands of people were evacuated after a volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumatra erupted for the first time in 400 years. Earlier this month, Mount Sinabung spewed hot ash more than a mile into the air along with volcanic earthquakes. Two people died and more than 30,000 were evacuated.
"In Iceland, the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull, which caused widespread flight cancellations in Europe because of the giant ash cloud, has produced a lot of speculation concerning the neighboring volcano Katla. In the past, when Eyjafjallajokull has erupted, Katla has often followed within a short period of time.
"On Aug. 25, Italy's Etna volcano and Columbia's Galeros volcano, both erupted. The explosions were not huge, but new and perhaps bigger eruptions are expected at anytime.
"If volcanic activity continues to increase, and there is an eruption big enough to send millions of tons of ash and dust into the upper layers of the atmosphere, then the Earth's temperature would likely drop at least a degree or two from present levels. This happened in June of 1991 when Mount Pinatubo exploded in the Philippines. For the following year, the Earth's temperature dropped about 1-2 degrees before recovering several years later.
"Here are the 20 most deadly volcanic eruptions in the past 500 years worldwide and their approximately death tolls:
Kelut, Indonesia, 1586: 10,000
Vesuvius, Italy, 1631: 4,000
Vesuvius, Italy, 1631: 4,000
Oshima, Japan, 1741: 1,481
Papadanyan, Indonesia, 1772: 2,960
Lakagigar, Iceland, 1783: 9,340
Unze, Japan, 1792: 15,000
Tambora, Indonesia, 1815: 92,000
Galunggung, Indonesia, 1822: 4,000
Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia, 1845: 36,417
Krakatau, Indonesia, 1883: 36,417
Ritter, Paupa New Guinea, 1888: 3,000
Mount Pelee, Martinique, 1902: 29,000
Kelut, Indonesia, 1919: 5,110
Lamington, Papua New Guinea, 1951: 2,942
Hibok-Hibok, Philippines, 1951: 500
Agung, Indonesia, 1963: 1,148
Climatologist Cliff Harris writes a weekly column for The Coeur d'Alene Press.
Climatologist Cliff Harris writes a weekly column for The Coeur d'Alene Press.
See entire article:
Why do I keep mentioning volcanoes? Because ice ages correlate with huge increases in volcanic activity. | ||
Here's a quote from Not by Fire but by Ice:
Just look at the last three magnetic reversals (kya stands for thousands of years ago):
I fear that we are seeing a similar increase in volcanic activity right now. |
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