Society's Degeneration Nearly Complete: New Marijuana Soda to Launch in February

Canna Cola isn't the first marijuana soda on the market, but its designer Clay Butler, who said he has never used marijuana or smoked a cigarette but is a "firm believer that adults have an inalienable right to think, eat, smoke, drink, ingest, decorate, dress any way they choose," told the Santa Cruz Sentinel that his beverage collection will be distinguished by marketing. "You look at all the marijuana products out there, and they are so mom-and-pop, hippie-dippy and rinky-dink," he said.
Scientists to launch giant 'fishing net' to pick up space junk that threatens to destroy communications on Earth

Now the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Nitto Seimo Co plan to solve the problem by sweeping up damaged satellites and space shuttles.
U.S. warned atomic arms race in Middle East and Asia could lead to nuclear war / Wikileaks

The U.S. have intervened to prevent Syria getting their hands on materials used in making chemical and biological weapons.
Secret files said there are fears of conflict breaking out in the area.Relations between India and Pakistan are believed to represent the biggest risk of a full scale war in the region – and both states have nuclear weapons.
The Pentagon estimated that if an atomic conflict was to break out between them 12 million people could die.
And the cables reveal how much effort North Korea and Syria are putting in to getting hold of the materials to make chemical and biological weapons.
At a non-proliferation meeting in 2008, the U.S. warned in a secret briefing: ‘a nuclear and missile arms race (in South Asia) has the direct potential to lead to nuclear war in the world's most densely populated area and a region of increasing global economic significance'.
The cables, leaked to the Daily Telegraph, said that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice intervened to stop Syria buying materials used to produce chemical weapons from India.
"Unprecedented" La Niña signals colder winters to come -
Includes video
2 Feb 11 - Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi thinks three or four the next five winters could be just as cold as this one, if not colder ... perhaps even the next 20 to 30 winters.
See Unprecedented La Niña signals colder winters to come
Includes video
2 Feb 11 - Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi thinks three or four the next five winters could be just as cold as this one, if not colder ... perhaps even the next 20 to 30 winters.
See Unprecedented La Niña signals colder winters to come
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Cyclone Yasi the most dangerous in living memory in Australia - Up to 3 FEET of rain 1 Feb 11 - "We could see wind gusts in excess of 320 kilometres an hour (200mph), which is just horrific," the weather bureau warned. Cyclone Yasi poses an "extremely serious threat" to life and property. See Cyclone Yasi most dangerous in living memory in Australia |
This was only Tulsa's second blizzard warning...the first being LAST winter! - 2 Feb 11
Midwest braces for "historic storm" - 31 Jan 11
'Snowpocalypse' pounds Midwest - 1 Feb 11
See Record low temperatures in the U.S.
Japanese volcano awakens with a vengeance 31 Jan 11 - Mount Shinmoe's first major eruption in almost 200 years. Scientists fear another, even more powerful blast. See Japanese volcano awakens with a vengeance | ![]() |
Clinton calls home US envoys in
2,200 displaced by landslides and flooding in Sri Lanka
February 2, 2011 - Colombo - While Sri Lanka’s north central and eastern parts are struggling to return to normalcy after the recent floods that wreaked havoc in the region another round of heavy rains have set back the recovery efforts. Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Center (DMC) has reported that 2,271 people from 636 families have been displaced due to the adverse weather conditions experienced in the country currently. A total of 2,862 people from 738 families have been affected by the heavy rains and landslides in several parts of the country. Two deaths, a child from Vavuniya and another from Ambawaka on the Badulla-Nuwara Eliya road, have also been reported. Nearly half of the displaced, 1,011 are in Trincomalee District while another 945 have been displaced in Vavuniya district. The displaced have been given shelter in 11 welfare camps set up by the government in the two districts. Another 315 people have been evacuated to two shelters in Ella and Mahiyangana in Badulla district due to land slide threats. Among them are 30 Buddhist monks from the Mawalangala Aramaya. Landslide warnings have also been issued in Yatawatte, Rattota, and Pallepola of Matale district. -Colombo Page
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Instant Ice Age- Chicago transformed into ice-zone during blizzard

This video of ground zero in Chicago of the winter storm that blasted the U.S. almost defies belief. The planet’s climate, as we warned, is moving into uncharted territory. (c) Associated Press 2011
Posted in 2012, Earth Changes, Extreme Weather Event 8 Comments
Heavy rains displace 250,000 in the Philippines
February 2, 2011 - MANILA — Heavy rain swamping the southern Philippines has left four people dead and affected 250,000 others, according to officials. The rains over the past five days have flooded entire towns and caused landslides across vast areas of the mainly rural south, with more bad weather forecast for the rest of the month. “What we are having now is a creeping disaster,” the head of the state weather service, Graciano Yumul, on Wednesday told reporters in Manila. Yumul said Surigao, a city of 120,000 people, had received 1.8 metres (nearly six feet) of rain in one day. Two farmers drowned on Monday and another on Friday when they were swept away while crossing swollen rivers near Surigao, June Parada, spokesman for the provincial government of Surigao del Norte, told AFP. A seven-year-old boy also drowned in a neighbouring southern province, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council in Manila. The government was rushing rescue equipment and emergency aid to nearly a quarter million people affected by the floods and landslides, it added. It was the second time the region had been hit by torrential rains this year.” -AFP
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Catastrophe- hundreds turned away from swollen storm shelters

Planetary Monster: Cyclone Yasi's size layed out across the U.S.
February 2, 2011 – Despite its ferocity and comparisons with Katrina which struck the U.S., the storm received very little coverage in the Western press. The reality is Yasi could easily swallow 3 Katrinas- the storm is that massive. If the storm was layed out over the U.S., it would span from coast to coast. Few realized the magnitude of the monstrosity that was forming off the Australian coast. Cyclone Yasi is not just a once in 150 year killer-type storm; it’s a planetary event. Despite the myriad warnings, many Australians never took the storm warnings seriously at peril now to their own lives. Hundreds were turned away from swollen shelters and many more have tried to ride the storm out in their own homes which are now being inundated with giant storm surges. Emergency services were swamped with calls from desperate homeowners who stayed behind and have now seen waves rushing into their 2nd-story dwellings. They were told to hunker down- a rescue was impossible under such conditions. The Army said, ‘We expect to be picking up bodies.” A reporter for the Daily Mail writes: ‘”The power of the wind – the scream of the wind – is terrifying and I have been warned by the hotel management that I will not be able to remain in my room in case the windows blow in. I will be moved, with the rest of the hotel guests and the evacuated families, to a cellar during the night. Added to the eeriness of the fearful wait for the cyclone to strike is the sound of cyclone warning sirens echoing through city streets. While I have written of tsunamis and cyclones in the past, it has always been in the aftermath of the disaster. This is the first time I have lived through a cyclone and it is a terrifying experience. On top of everyone’s fears is the knowledge that this is the most severe weather pattern to strike Australia in living memory – just how severe will be seen at dawn after the eye of the cyclone has passed and moved inland.’ –Excerpts Daily Mail
Scientists mystified why clouds around polar regions are growing brighter
February 2, 2011 - We weren’t the first to say the morphing Sun is starting to affect everything here on Earth and we won’t be the last. Here’s another interesting story from “Clouds bright enough to see at night are not as hard to find as they once were. These so-called night-shining clouds are still rare — rare enough that Matthew DeLand, who has been studying them for 11 years, has seen them only once. But his odds are increasing. Mysterious clouds form between 50 and 53 miles (80 and 85 kilometers) up in the atmosphere, altitudes so high that they reflect light long after the sun has dropped below the horizon. DeLand, an atmospheric scientist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., has found that night-shining clouds — technically known as polar mesospheric or noctilucent clouds — are forming more frequently and becoming brighter. He has been observing the clouds in data from instruments that have been flown on satellites since 1978. For reasons not fully understood, the clouds’ brightness wiggles up and down in step with solar activity, with fewer clouds forming when the sun is most active. The biggest variability is in the far north. Underlying the changes caused by the sun, however, is a trend toward brighter clouds. The upward trend in brightness, DeLand said, reveals subtle changes in the atmosphere that may be linked to greenhouse gases. Night-shining clouds are extremely sensitive to changes in atmospheric water vapor and temperature. The clouds form only when temperatures drop below minus 200 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 130 degrees Celsius), when the scant amount of water high in the atmosphere freezes into ice clouds. This happens most often in far northern and southern latitudes (above 50 degrees) in the summer when, counter-intuitively, the mesosphere is coldest. –
Posted in Earth Changes, Solar Event, Unsolved Mystery 2 Comments
Shaken and stirred- planetary tremors and geomagnetic storms
February 2, 2011 – The latest planetary tremor occurred at 1:00 GMT. The rattling appeared to be most prominent along the Arctic Circle and then reverberated down and across the globe, stirring tectonic plates across the planet in the process. The latest tremor halos with the arrival of the geomagnetic storm that struck the planet about 30 hours ago- though the two events appear to be unrelated. (Left) N. Russia and (right) Antarctica.

Sun’s coronal hole enlarges at it rotates away from Earth. The next geo-storm will hit Earth on Feb 3.

post-mortem on WikiLeaks crisislink
Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, has summoned more than 260 US ambassadors and envoys from every corner of the globe for a week of brainstorming and re-evaluation in Washington, just as America's sprawling diplomatic machine is facing crises on several fronts at once, not least thanks to the work of WikiLeaks.
The unprecedented gathering at the State Department began yesterday and brought together America's most senior diplomatic representatives from 180 countries. Most have been told to stay in Washington all week for a series of meetings and pep talks. Ms Clinton is set to address them tomorrow and will have face-to-face meetings with envoys from front-line countries where the stakes for America are highest.
Officials stayed quiet about the initial purpose saying only that Ms Clinton was anxious to complete planning for 2011. However, it comes at a time of multiple challenges for the US in its foreign dealings, including the growing clamour on Capitol Hill for cuts in foreign aid and the impact of the turmoil in Egypt on Middle East policy. That is not to forget the running sores of Iran and North Korea or the perils of American policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
More than 50,000 heads of cattle died of severe cold weatherlink
(VOV) - As of 4pm on February 2, a total of 50,000 heads of cattle have died because of the recent long cold spell in some northern provinces, according to the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).
Son La province suffered the greatest loss of over 9,300 heads of cattle, followed by Lang Son (7,500) and Cao Bang (6,800). Apart from the buffalos and cows died of the severe cold weather, horses, pigs, goats and giraffes were also lost.
The Veterinary Department appointed delegations to cities and provinces coordinate local animal health departments to fight against the dangers of hunger and cold for cattle during the Lunar New Year (Tet) festival.
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